hello I have a zm server with zmoutstanding. the problem is that /admins /bans /top & /maps command not working because MySQL website is not created. and i have no idea about how to create .php site with MySQL.
Please teach me how to do that or someone help me in this.
Hello man, Let's start understanding what are MySQL.
All plugins that you said it's using database to store data on it. If we take example /top you need database to store players on it also the same on /bans .... All of these plugin have .cfg file so you can set your database location (IP or Site) and password and it's username. So if you need to run those plugins correctly you need database! but not anyone you can go and see many sites offer databases but we need Remote Database.
Where can i get database? You just need to buy it From this site. This site also offer free remote database for 5 Mega bytes only. But better to buy the paid one. This way i say you is the fast and easy one for you.
If you run your server on VPS or dedicated Server i can give you another solution for My-SQL (Databases).
About PHP, It's language of programing that used in sites. You can get one by buying Host and domain name from any host provider. And this used only in the plugins that have sites (like AMXBANS).
If you buy game server from anyone or company like KGB this solution i provide is the best for you. If you run your server on VPS or dedicated server so i will provide you another solution and it's cost you 0 $ you don't need to buy Remote My-SQL and Host for websites.
First welcome to the forum. Second , don't PM me with just asking for skype id and saying nothing else... What is this forum for? For help , so i and other people can help you if we know what is the problem.
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