Yeah, it's a bad #Truth, i think they use a Remote Desktop Protocol machine, and they turning on the proxy, and they use a software wich invite a fake player (BOT using steamID) to the server!
They just made it simple, like promoting your server in masterservers, + adding theirs bots/fakeplayers so your server reach some players, while that real players can also join, and thats how it works. it seems that zppv dying, what i can say RIP legends.
Well after a lots of research there is a ratio of like from 30% too 40% of players are fake (BOTS) so it's like that you get by boosting your server 18(10bots)/32 players especially in zp servers and why you wonder why those BOTS looks real af is it because Gametracker works with some players that make WAYPOINTS i will explain so when you boost your server a player join your server first and create waypoints of the current map of boosting state so thats why bots can get into tunnels climb doors and etc....
P.S:ZPPV is not dying guys it's still helping other players to understand the game and the amx mod x , scripting and other stuffs....
OK, I will make it clear from my side what is realy going on with boost & i dont believe that somebody can outreach me.
1)For sure the raheems code doesnt redirect clients on any server as advertises.
2)Also when the boost starts it sents fake clients at first to draw attention which can be easily seen on server's side everytime they do connect and disconnet, thereinafter while the players are joined and ready to play, the client's behavior is unusual and similar beside them, most of times as an example is that the do stay afk for 20 secs each and then start playing or diconnecting in case a real player joins in.Which means bots will be sending on server till server gets real players in. 3)The truth is that is sending real players via masterserver drop list but same time sends fake players to draw attention.
Sorry i have a lot time i havent joined. best regard to you all!